Monday, May 16, 2005
i just realised that it is pretty impossible to post my pics in alphabetical order, cause i keeping finding more and more...sho i'll just post wadever i have first, den i'll put in wadever i find next. make sense?? good. haz....i really love these pics and if anyone finds any nice ones, do tell moi. i suck at finding stuff. ^.^ lalala...i really want the Genbu Kaiden artbook...and when will the fourth installment come out??!! sigh.....this is really a boring season.
Sunday, May 15, 2005

hazzzz.....Nyozeka looks cool in this picture...Kyou has a nice pose too, but i can't really say the same for Alice...^.^ili

Friday, May 13, 2005

yeah!!!! FREY!!!!! how can anyone believe that Kyou is better than him??!! *evil glares his Lotis uniform ish so darn cool!!! i might TRY to cosplay as him sometime. he has good fashion sense and looks good no matter what he wears, even if it's only a towel!!! *drops dead

whoa!! Alice, Nyozeka, Kyou and Frey!! that's nearly the whole cast of Alice 19th!!! at least they included Frey in this picture, i can hardly find any picture of think that he is more good looking than Kyou...i just don't understand people who say otherwise...*mou

well, shall i do this in alphabetical order? then first up would be Alice 19th!! aww....isn't that sweet, Kyou and Alice sharing a nice moment together. Little Nyozeka is cute too!! Kyou looks kinda nice in this picture...the colour and art is good too!!! *grinz

whoa ppl, this prog ish really useful in posting pictures on ur blogs, sho feel free to click away!! *grinz 

Thursday, May 12, 2005
hey people. look up. u see the words there? yup, that's what this blog will be about. BISHOUNENS!!!!! and if anyone doesn't know the meaning of that word, it's a japanese word directly translated as "pretty teens/boys". well, i know that pretty isn't really used to describe guys but then again, who can deny that they are so charming they are pretty??!!
haz....anyway, i'm dedicating this blog to the bishounens that i've come across so far. well, the entries will mainly be pictures but i will rant and crap about them at some point of time when i'm totally obsessed with them. i do that too often to relieve stress so, u might just want to skip those useless entries.
so, ready for the pictures??!!
EYE CANDY for the right brain!!!!!
yeah!!! *dances around
haz....anyway, i'm dedicating this blog to the bishounens that i've come across so far. well, the entries will mainly be pictures but i will rant and crap about them at some point of time when i'm totally obsessed with them. i do that too often to relieve stress so, u might just want to skip those useless entries.
so, ready for the pictures??!!
EYE CANDY for the right brain!!!!!
yeah!!! *dances around