Saturday, March 15, 2008
guuu-sensei no sakuhin! ^^

^^ guuu-sensei's work for the Christmas event lol. he did it...within TWO DAYS!!! >< *mumbles* and he claims it isnt good...yeah right. lol. the guy...looks nothing like his fighter...*runs* but more like Syaoran...from Tsubasa? ><
*note: jus realised i didnt post's like...ehhhhhh 4 months ago? lol.'s a waste not to post it...guuu-sensei *spat blood out for this* i think...jus kept hearing that he did tons and tons of editing...mainly coz i kept changing my mind >< *runs* so yupps. here's the post in honor of guuu-sensei *may u rest in peace* whootsy daisy~ *p.s he's not really's jus a really really bad joke...*