Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Yami no Matsuei Pictures
XDDDD it's been a while since i last watched Yami no Matsuei~it's too bad it's on hiatus, coz it was one manga with TONS of bishies~~~ nearly every single young guy in there's a bishie ^^ kks, on to the droolable picts!!!

one of my fav picts coz of the soft colours used and the sweetness between Tsuzuki and Byakko! ^^ byakko looks darn droolable even tho he's not in bishie form =P dun worry...i'm NOT into bestiality...(u hentai jiji) too bad i dun have any of byakko's bishie picts, since he only had THAT bit of screentime in the manga (OTL) byakko has the power of wind, if i remember correctly XD and duh, Tsuzuki's gay with all his Shikigamis, those which are bishies of coz =P i bet he's uke XDDDDD tt kind of face...tt kind of personality, those purple eyes...all scream...UKE! =P

told ya they were gays ^^ e blonde who has his hand over Tsuzuki's shoulder is Watari XD he's e..."mad scientist" of the group and acts mainly as comedy relief XD the guy in the brown suit is TATSUMI~~~he's the main brain behind the entire division XD not to mention he's e shadowmaster~ i love his ability~ it's jus darn cool *drools*

these are the Tengu guarding the entrance into the spirit realm~ love their wings, pity they got an ambiguous ending...dunno if they died, or simply lost their wings (T.T) coz the manga went into hiatus (T.T) (OTL) see wad i mean when i say nearly every young guy in the manga is a bishie? lmao even the minor characters are bishies XD perfect for fangirls like moiself =P

warning (hyper fangirl atk!): TOUDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA arguably the most bishie of the lot! i think he's even cooler than Tatsumi @@ which is more or less a miracle, since Tatsumi used to number top on my list =P touda's a winged snake in his Shikigami form, and he possesses the only power which can kill Tsuzuki, the black fire that consumes everything, even hotter than that of Suzaku's flames XD now tt's what i call coolious~ and he has plenty of sm-qualities too! be it being sm-ed or sm-ing someone else lmao. he was chained up for...dunno how long =P (therefore he's sm-able) XDDDD *drools* i really wished e series din go into hiatus (T.T) the fun was only just beginnning (OTL)

from one of e arcs in which Tsuzuki was sucked into a fantasy world in a book XD loved e period costumes from this arc ^^ we get to see Tatsumi in a butler suit! *drools*

hmm e bishie on the left is none other than Hisoka! he's THE ultimate UKE!!! be it with Muraki or Tsuzuki, he simply screams UKE for all to hear XD not to mention that he's very sm-able...i shant delve into that, but if u're interested, e anime is more than enuf to prove what i've said =P hisoka is...abit too girly for me XD but he's a bishie nonetheless, and his pairing with Tsuzuki is so bitter-sweet it's darn nice XD

one of my fav picts coz of the soft colours used and the sweetness between Tsuzuki and Byakko! ^^ byakko looks darn droolable even tho he's not in bishie form =P dun worry...i'm NOT into bestiality...(u hentai jiji) too bad i dun have any of byakko's bishie picts, since he only had THAT bit of screentime in the manga (OTL) byakko has the power of wind, if i remember correctly XD and duh, Tsuzuki's gay with all his Shikigamis, those which are bishies of coz =P i bet he's uke XDDDDD tt kind of face...tt kind of personality, those purple eyes...all scream...UKE! =P

told ya they were gays ^^ e blonde who has his hand over Tsuzuki's shoulder is Watari XD he's e..."mad scientist" of the group and acts mainly as comedy relief XD the guy in the brown suit is TATSUMI~~~he's the main brain behind the entire division XD not to mention he's e shadowmaster~ i love his ability~ it's jus darn cool *drools*

these are the Tengu guarding the entrance into the spirit realm~ love their wings, pity they got an ambiguous ending...dunno if they died, or simply lost their wings (T.T) coz the manga went into hiatus (T.T) (OTL) see wad i mean when i say nearly every young guy in the manga is a bishie? lmao even the minor characters are bishies XD perfect for fangirls like moiself =P

warning (hyper fangirl atk!): TOUDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA arguably the most bishie of the lot! i think he's even cooler than Tatsumi @@ which is more or less a miracle, since Tatsumi used to number top on my list =P touda's a winged snake in his Shikigami form, and he possesses the only power which can kill Tsuzuki, the black fire that consumes everything, even hotter than that of Suzaku's flames XD now tt's what i call coolious~ and he has plenty of sm-qualities too! be it being sm-ed or sm-ing someone else lmao. he was chained up for...dunno how long =P (therefore he's sm-able) XDDDD *drools* i really wished e series din go into hiatus (T.T) the fun was only just beginnning (OTL)
from one of e arcs in which Tsuzuki was sucked into a fantasy world in a book XD loved e period costumes from this arc ^^ we get to see Tatsumi in a butler suit! *drools*

hmm e bishie on the left is none other than Hisoka! he's THE ultimate UKE!!! be it with Muraki or Tsuzuki, he simply screams UKE for all to hear XD not to mention that he's very sm-able...i shant delve into that, but if u're interested, e anime is more than enuf to prove what i've said =P hisoka is...abit too girly for me XD but he's a bishie nonetheless, and his pairing with Tsuzuki is so bitter-sweet it's darn nice XD