Thursday, April 19, 2007
MORE Kyou Kara Maou Pictures

Gunter and his snake dance. i dunno if the video can be viewed on my blog but never mind, this picture is good enough already. by the way, when you see this guy with purple hair and rose petals falling whenever he draws his sword, think of the cool and wonderful Hatake Kakashi from Naruto, who has the wonderful Sharingan. they both, have the same seiyuu. O.O

Halloween art!!! i kinda like Yuuri like tat, somehow, he's cuter than his usual self. heh, this art is really cute...wait, why is Kyou Kara Maou's art so cute?? can't they have more of those really cool ones? hmm, maybe cause it's a 'crap' show in the first place. aiya, heck lah, eye candy is the most important. =P crap or not. never mind.

MAU!!! SOOO GAYYY!!! CONRAD!!! whatever lah Yuuri, get away from Conrad!!! he's MINE!!! mwafafafafa... but aww, aren't they sweet? opps. i think i can see Wolfram's evil glare and feel the 'bloodlust' coming from somewhere...mauuuu....

aww, i love this picture, it's my current wallpaper. yupps. nice pink flowers at the back. but who cares. Conrad's at the front. ohohoho. kae, why is Yuuri's picture bigger than Conrad's?? hmm, injustice here. one of the considerably 'cooler' art for Kyou Kara Maou. =}
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I like this movie very much. Yuri, Wolfram, Gwendalf, Gunter, Murata and also Conrad is a handsome boys. By the way where I can buy DVDs of kyou kara maou in Indonesia? Please reply my message soon. Arigataou...
I agree Conrad is better than Yuri, but all the guys are.
In other word there so CUTE!!!
tell me if you thank so to.
Brook a.k.a.
Anime Girl
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In other word there so CUTE!!!
tell me if you thank so to.
Brook a.k.a.
Anime Girl
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