Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Gundam SEED/Destiny Pictures 1

oh well, two good friends turned enemies then back to friends again. haha, Kira and Athrun! =) though i have to protest against the fact that Athrun seems to always be at the back. hmm...i think this pict is from SEED, can't really differentiate the uniform that well yet, except for the really obvious ones...

Auel and Sting. these two are the 'bad' guys from Destiny, along with Stella, from the Phantom Pain division. their fate is kinda sad, coz like well, they're Extendeds, and they live to be killed off by the main character to demonstrate the power of their Gundams. hmm, but they're nicer than the 3 mad dogs in SEED, those are not nice on the eyes, not nice for the ears and definitely deserve to be killed off. these two at least make u feel kinda sad when they die. =}

definitely from SEED, see all the haros? don't they make u a little dumb after u stare at them for a while. it's a nice picture, pity tt it never really happened in SEED, such a happy, light-hearted scene is rather rare, especially between the two so-called enemies.

ZAFT military. eh...Athrun's not here. hmm, but there's Dearka, Yzak, Nicol, Miguel, Andrew and what's-her-name. ah never mind. e blue thing at the back is Junius 7, the catalyst for the war in C.E. 70 Bloody Sunday. heh, i like the Gundams in the backdrop, though i can't really identify them...heh