Monday, May 28, 2007
Skip Beat! Pictures 2

mauuu...Kyoko looks so cool as this, i think she is a carbon copy of the main character in Tokyo Crazy Paradise...both have that gangster-boss/Yazuka kind of look...but i like the way she potrayed this character, her interpretation was quite cool and e way she tried out her style gained her respect, either through her ability or her, that part was so cool...

mauu~ REN~~~eh, wait, why does this make him look like a werewolf howling to the moon?? eh heh. aiya, look cool can already. i think Nakamura-sensei a bit e biased. Ren's coloured pictures don't look as nice as his black and white ones...then colour also seems less cool...whereas for Sho, his coloured cover page looks so darn cool...hmm. i bet she doesn't colour the cover pages herself...mau~~~ should colour Ren more shuai mah...his other pictures are so much cooler...

right. this one looks cool and shuai enough. ohohoho. though i have no idea what e significance of this cover page is...hmm...dun care lah. got rose petals in water somemore...aiyo, make him look like some guy from e horror movie where the ghost jumps out of the water for no rhyme or reason. heck. Ren looks shuai. mau-able. mauuuu.....

MAU MAU MAU~ imagine the state of Kinokuniya when i saw this cover. i nearly tore the store down. hey, that rhymed. hoho. see what i mean? Sho's cover page is so cool! heh, dun ask me why his hair sticks out like that, i have no idea. usu, it sticks up. and man, i love his sword. ohoho. i think this image is his role as the Vampire Slayer Sho. the full black and white one looks much nicer, but hey, i'm not complaining about this one. =P