Sunday, August 26, 2007
Ruroni Kenshin Pictures 2

Segara Souzou. leader of some peasant militia which got betrayed by the Meiji Government. also inspired by an actual historical character, either that or some historical event. well, he's Sannosuke's idol and yeah he's a nice guy alright. actually, he comes across as peace-loving, which is why the peasant militia was set up in the first place, to protect the peace of the people. too bad he died such a tragic death. and too bad he has very limited screen time. u'd think that a bishie like him would get more time on the screen...ehhs, i like the uniform of the group, it's nicer compared to the Police uniform of RK...and yeah, i will go read up on my Jap history to properly explain the events. =)

Soujirou. the always-smiling guy. yeah, he's cute. and i think he's rather similar to Okita Souji of the Shinsengumi. except that Okita has a worse split personality than Soujirou. ehhs...majority of the cool and bishie characters 'spawn' (heh, too much Granado Espada) during the Shishio arc (techinally speaking, it's called the Kyoto arc, but heck). i enjoyed the manga from 10 onwards. =) more eye candy mahs. ehhs, Soujirou's story is rather tragic too, so yeah. basically, no one has a fairytale in RK, so go figure how emo it can get at times. hah. but i shed no tears while reading RK. >.<

ENISHI!!! poor guy got left out of the anime and squeezed into the OVA. he's the brother-in-law of Kenshin and he's wayyy cooler than Kenshin. i still can't figure out if Enishi is the head of a mafia group in China, or that he's some underworld boss. either way yeah, he's a little psychotic. his love for his sis is also a little overdone. but other than that, he's great eye candy. =)

his style is rather similar to that of Saitou, except his is definitely more Sino influenced. ehhs, i like his scheming skills. to think that he thought of using a puppet to fool the Kenshin-gumi. but then again, my Aoshi outwitted his schemes. ohoho. hmms, Enishi would definitely be one of my favourite characters, only that he's a little too extreme when it comes to his sis. bahhs, stupid Tomoe, why should she get all the attention. hah.