Saturday, August 25, 2007
Ruroni Kenshin Pictures: Aoshi 3

i think this is a fan art...but yeah, the person also thinks his back view is darn cool. =) yupps, see i told ya the trenchcoat is's just the yellow. yellow doesn't go with why the heck...the colour is a little off sia...bahhz. so, as i said, the manga is better. u dun get to see the ugly yellow on my perfect Aoshi. =)

hehs. the pict on the left is from the Shishio arc. the only time Aoshi made a mistake. but he rectified it soon enough. =) smart. the pict on the left is from the Kanryuu arc. that's the time he got shot by the Gattling Gun. and that was the time i forever remembered the Gattling Gun. as the thing that shot my Aoshi's legs. ahhh....well at least he didn't die. *phew*

yupps. as promised. Aoshi's twin Kodaichi. i can't find the pict of him pulling it out of the sheath, but i found the pict of him wielding it. better huh. and that's my favourite costume of Aoshi. the one with two ribbons at the side. makes him look rather elegant doncha think. and see the destruction he's causing with two Kodaichi? yeah man...=)