Sunday, August 26, 2007
Ruroni Kenshin Pictures: Kenshin

yesh, the Kenshin. the main character of the show. duh...well, i think this is from the manga, since the anime din have the Enishi arc, either that or it's from the OVA. but the OVA's style is different, so it's from the manga. ehhs...i like the art style, the lines are cool and yeah, the black and white effect works. =) who doesn't recognise the 'X' scar on his face...yupps. nice picture. =) nice pose Kenshin.

ehhs, well, i much prefer the Battousai than the Rouni Kenshin, for the very simple reason that he's cool. technically speaking, they're both the same person, but i prefer the sharper version of the 'baka deshi'. though this wallpaper's kinda scary...esp during the 7th month huh...ehhhs, the pict is from Kenshin's younger days, coz the hair is tied up higher...and well, he's the Battousai in his younger days yeah. again, nice black effect. =)

this is definitely from the manga, coz it's on one of the cover pages. yupps, the manga's style is slightly nicer than the anime's style...somehow, the people in the manga look more proportional than in the anime. also, the manga's storyline is nicer. =) more Aoshi mah...ehhs, the manga art style is more realistic and serious, coz the colour in the anime makes the show look rather cheerful. not to say that it's a sad show, but well, samurai story ought to be a little more serious. or so i think. yeah, nice pose Kenshin. *cough* (i know i'm being biased, coz i'm talking more about the show than about Kenshin. =P)

ORO! Seshya wa baka degozaimasu. yupps. that's the way Kenshin talks. when he's in his ORO mode that is. he sure doesn't do that in a battle. thank goodness his bakaness stops where the battles start. =) i dunno, his speech is kinda cute...he calls himself 'seshya', reminds me of how Sesshoumaru calls himself 'kono Sesshoumaru'...both are like refering to oneself as 3rd person...and he ends with 'degozaimasu' like how Chichiri ends with 'na no da' and that Prince of Tennis idiot with 'da ne'...hahaz, the chibis are cute. =)