Monday, September 24, 2007
Granado Espada Pictures 2

sorry...can't help but make fun of them a gosh. ohoho...he's gay alright...of all his costumes, this is his gayest...purple with furry collar and cuffs...and to think the musketeer looks so cool in the same costume...bahs...and as usual, my scout tilts to the side...hahaz...oh btw, my wizard is called Ren, my musketeer is called Yzak, and my scout is Kenzo. family name? give a guess...ShinomoriTsuruga. <3

OMG!!! who stuck a rod through Ren's head??!! poor wizard is impaled with his own rod...

hehs, see e three ppl next to me? the one with scout in white and wizard in black? yeah, that's u Winged. =) tt's e only time i could find u...i bet u went off early bahs...either that or u got tired of standing next to a weirdo like me...mauzz....

well yeah, the entire faction (those who bothered to turn up) i can't really identify ppl...there's just too many ppl...bahz...let's jus say i'm e lowest level person amongst all these pros...darn, i feel so noob...chiong arh!!!
Granado Espada Pictures 1

yupps, this is the faction photo for our faction, Academy of Tsubasa. heh, not everybody turned up, as usual, it was the few active players who we are familiar with. ehhs, my characters are the 3 without the yellow circle floating above their heads. hehs...

yupps, there's my wizard standing right in the front, with my musketeer and scout slightly behind him. hehs, everyone is facing our faction leader...only i extra...dots...i shall crop away some of e stuff, so i'll get a close-up pict posted soon...

yeah, me beloved wizard as musketeer is praying that my wizard will soon regain sanity...

oh yeah, e wizard floating above everyone is of course, our faction leader Van. hahaz...i want Levitation too...