Monday, September 24, 2007
Granado Espada Pictures 1

yupps, this is the faction photo for our faction, Academy of Tsubasa. heh, not everybody turned up, as usual, it was the few active players who we are familiar with. ehhs, my characters are the 3 without the yellow circle floating above their heads. hehs...

yupps, there's my wizard standing right in the front, with my musketeer and scout slightly behind him. hehs, everyone is facing our faction leader...only i extra...dots...i shall crop away some of e stuff, so i'll get a close-up pict posted soon...

yeah, me beloved wizard as musketeer is praying that my wizard will soon regain sanity...

oh yeah, e wizard floating above everyone is of course, our faction leader Van. hahaz...i want Levitation too...