Monday, May 28, 2007
Even More Kyou Kara Maou Pictures

heh, at least Yuuri got some use lah hor, can play baseball quite well...i bet Gunter is a professional cheerleader, see the hearts flying around...mau...the team name is 'MA' for Maou, so's on their logo somemore...heh...Conrad looks...cute, rather than cool, for once. hoho. i think they'll make quite a good team huh. heh.

sorry, can't help being ego once in a while...this picture made me roll on the's good for curing depression, coz that stupid look on both Yuuri's faces is beyond words...and that little pinkie sticking out...^.^ haha...maus. stupid Yuuri...dun make me look so bad...

right. i love this picture. coz i can tease Wolfram about it. look! he's in a pink tutu dress of all things, not that Gunter and Yozak are dressed properly, but then i think Wolfram's dress is the best. hoho, and see, Conrad's big face is smiling serenely down at everyone. hey, he's not dead yet, dun put him like that! and Gwendal is with...a pink...bunny!!! whee, knitting is for cleansing the soul!!! hah. this pict is good for depression too!

my goodness. what the hell is Yuuri doing?!!! he is the Maou afterall, thank goodness the Maou is normal, unlike Yuuri. gosh, i just realised that he has boobs. OMG. O.O stupid Yuuri!!! wait, why do the Gunter/Yuuri and Gwendal/Yuuri pairings look so nice here?! argh!
Skip Beat! Pictures 2

mauuu...Kyoko looks so cool as this, i think she is a carbon copy of the main character in Tokyo Crazy Paradise...both have that gangster-boss/Yazuka kind of look...but i like the way she potrayed this character, her interpretation was quite cool and e way she tried out her style gained her respect, either through her ability or her, that part was so cool...

mauu~ REN~~~eh, wait, why does this make him look like a werewolf howling to the moon?? eh heh. aiya, look cool can already. i think Nakamura-sensei a bit e biased. Ren's coloured pictures don't look as nice as his black and white ones...then colour also seems less cool...whereas for Sho, his coloured cover page looks so darn cool...hmm. i bet she doesn't colour the cover pages herself...mau~~~ should colour Ren more shuai mah...his other pictures are so much cooler...

right. this one looks cool and shuai enough. ohohoho. though i have no idea what e significance of this cover page is...hmm...dun care lah. got rose petals in water somemore...aiyo, make him look like some guy from e horror movie where the ghost jumps out of the water for no rhyme or reason. heck. Ren looks shuai. mau-able. mauuuu.....

MAU MAU MAU~ imagine the state of Kinokuniya when i saw this cover. i nearly tore the store down. hey, that rhymed. hoho. see what i mean? Sho's cover page is so cool! heh, dun ask me why his hair sticks out like that, i have no idea. usu, it sticks up. and man, i love his sword. ohoho. i think this image is his role as the Vampire Slayer Sho. the full black and white one looks much nicer, but hey, i'm not complaining about this one. =P
Skip Beat! Pictures 1

heh. these are jus the "main" guys in Skip Beat, as of this point in time. well, e blonde guy at the bottom right corner is jus the director of the movie, but hey, he's popular and good-looking enough to appear on the back cover, so yeah. give him some credit. eh. black hair guy is Tsuruga REN! hoho, he's e best!!! mau~ next to him is Fuwa SHO! getting more likable now, so mau too~. e blue hair guy is a little sick...nah, i'd call him psycho...and i dun know his name, but his group is called Vie Ghoul. let's jus say that he's bad enough for Ren and Sho to 'gang-up' together to crush him. i think he'll disappear soon, but that's okay. heh. he's jus e stepping stone for the 'showdown' between Ren and Sho. hoho, that's more to look forward to. mauuu~~~
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Takarazuka 1

MAUUUUUU!!!!! ZUNKO-SAMA!!!!!! ahhhahahahaha...Der Tod/Death from Elisabeth. Zunko's Death is the best. yeah i know that's 'universally' recognised. hah. even Mizu's Death can't compare. pity Zunko was only top for 2 years...mauu...wait till i get more pictures of Death. ahhh...*melts* wat was Elisabeth thinking, i would have jumped to follow Death. hah.

Zunko as Jose from Jose and Carmen. want to watch...though the blue uniform somehow reminds me of the soldiers from Rose of Versailles and Phantom...

Komu in Datenshi. mauuusss...she looks more like an angel...ohoho.

Wao and Ohana in Phantom. mauuu i love the mask. and i love Phantom's hair and Wao's voice. see Wolfram, me very fair kae. post only TWO Zunko pictures...hmm...i should go screenshoot more Death's pictures. ohohoho.
Gundam SEED/Destiny Pictures: Athrun 2

see. NOW he's looking at us. *drools* eh, e hand still makes weird gestures. hmm. i guess that's his style. (?) mauus anyway.

his signature pose in SEED Destiny. aiya, look so fierce, wait later lose ur bishounen title arh. wait, i know, Shinn always looks so fierce, so Athrun probably doesn't want to lose to Shinn, seeing that Destiny is a second chance for Athrun to outshine the main character. ohoho. good luck then, though Shinn will NEVER outshine Athrun. hmph.

now he's trying to beat Kira at acting cute. sighs. tough life being the sidekick. nah, Athrun's meant for big stuff, tt's why he has his own special manga: Gundam SEED Destiny The Edge. ahaha. muacks.

Athrun and Saviour, his nicest Gundam to date. unless of course you're comparing with Infinite Justice. it's just that i can't stand Justice's big boosters, no matter how useful and convenient they are. hmph, they make Justice look super bulky and clumsy, so i prefer Saviour's boosters. nice and slim. though it kinda got trashed by Kira, but hey, not Athrun's fault. =P
Gundam SEED/Destiny Pictures: Athrun 1

ahh...shiny shiny stuff. all red somemore...aiya, Athrun's the Red Knight for a reason huh...actually, quite a few of Ishida Akira's characters are 'Red'. Athrun, Chrno from Chrno Crusade, Gaara from Naruto and Coud from Erementar Gerad, think Eyes Rutherford has the same voice as Athrun. mauuu....kira kira~

eh, i think that uniform is from SEED Destiny looks like his final uniform...but the Gundam at the back are unmistakable. Justice, Saviour and i bet tt's e Infinite Justice Gundam. ohohoho. not forgetting the Meteor unit, which i finally found out stood for Mobilesuit Embedded Tactical EnfORcer. yupps. lame. but i dun care. cool. =P

hoho. this is my favourite picture of Athrun, nah, rather me favourite pose of his. and i love e background, though i have no idea where those crosses come impression was that it was from Junius 7, but that is littered with tombstones, not crosses...hmm...somemore there's a helmet hanging off one of them...hmm...

yupps. the cheesy pose. i think this is his favourite pose. he's always pointing to some random direction, aiya, to show that he is the leader mah...other ppl LOOK at the audience, he has to be pointing to a distant future...mauuuu...nvm. that's in SEED. hoho, now he looks at the audience. mausss...
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Gundam SEED/Destiny Pictures 1

oh well, two good friends turned enemies then back to friends again. haha, Kira and Athrun! =) though i have to protest against the fact that Athrun seems to always be at the back. hmm...i think this pict is from SEED, can't really differentiate the uniform that well yet, except for the really obvious ones...

Auel and Sting. these two are the 'bad' guys from Destiny, along with Stella, from the Phantom Pain division. their fate is kinda sad, coz like well, they're Extendeds, and they live to be killed off by the main character to demonstrate the power of their Gundams. hmm, but they're nicer than the 3 mad dogs in SEED, those are not nice on the eyes, not nice for the ears and definitely deserve to be killed off. these two at least make u feel kinda sad when they die. =}

definitely from SEED, see all the haros? don't they make u a little dumb after u stare at them for a while. it's a nice picture, pity tt it never really happened in SEED, such a happy, light-hearted scene is rather rare, especially between the two so-called enemies.

ZAFT military. eh...Athrun's not here. hmm, but there's Dearka, Yzak, Nicol, Miguel, Andrew and what's-her-name. ah never mind. e blue thing at the back is Junius 7, the catalyst for the war in C.E. 70 Bloody Sunday. heh, i like the Gundams in the backdrop, though i can't really identify them...heh