Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Yami no Matsuei Pictures
XDDDD it's been a while since i last watched Yami no Matsuei~it's too bad it's on hiatus, coz it was one manga with TONS of bishies~~~ nearly every single young guy in there's a bishie ^^ kks, on to the droolable picts!!!

one of my fav picts coz of the soft colours used and the sweetness between Tsuzuki and Byakko! ^^ byakko looks darn droolable even tho he's not in bishie form =P dun worry...i'm NOT into bestiality...(u hentai jiji) too bad i dun have any of byakko's bishie picts, since he only had THAT bit of screentime in the manga (OTL) byakko has the power of wind, if i remember correctly XD and duh, Tsuzuki's gay with all his Shikigamis, those which are bishies of coz =P i bet he's uke XDDDDD tt kind of face...tt kind of personality, those purple eyes...all scream...UKE! =P

told ya they were gays ^^ e blonde who has his hand over Tsuzuki's shoulder is Watari XD he's e..."mad scientist" of the group and acts mainly as comedy relief XD the guy in the brown suit is TATSUMI~~~he's the main brain behind the entire division XD not to mention he's e shadowmaster~ i love his ability~ it's jus darn cool *drools*

these are the Tengu guarding the entrance into the spirit realm~ love their wings, pity they got an ambiguous ending...dunno if they died, or simply lost their wings (T.T) coz the manga went into hiatus (T.T) (OTL) see wad i mean when i say nearly every young guy in the manga is a bishie? lmao even the minor characters are bishies XD perfect for fangirls like moiself =P

warning (hyper fangirl atk!): TOUDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA arguably the most bishie of the lot! i think he's even cooler than Tatsumi @@ which is more or less a miracle, since Tatsumi used to number top on my list =P touda's a winged snake in his Shikigami form, and he possesses the only power which can kill Tsuzuki, the black fire that consumes everything, even hotter than that of Suzaku's flames XD now tt's what i call coolious~ and he has plenty of sm-qualities too! be it being sm-ed or sm-ing someone else lmao. he was chained up for...dunno how long =P (therefore he's sm-able) XDDDD *drools* i really wished e series din go into hiatus (T.T) the fun was only just beginnning (OTL)

from one of e arcs in which Tsuzuki was sucked into a fantasy world in a book XD loved e period costumes from this arc ^^ we get to see Tatsumi in a butler suit! *drools*

hmm e bishie on the left is none other than Hisoka! he's THE ultimate UKE!!! be it with Muraki or Tsuzuki, he simply screams UKE for all to hear XD not to mention that he's very sm-able...i shant delve into that, but if u're interested, e anime is more than enuf to prove what i've said =P hisoka is...abit too girly for me XD but he's a bishie nonetheless, and his pairing with Tsuzuki is so bitter-sweet it's darn nice XD

one of my fav picts coz of the soft colours used and the sweetness between Tsuzuki and Byakko! ^^ byakko looks darn droolable even tho he's not in bishie form =P dun worry...i'm NOT into bestiality...(u hentai jiji) too bad i dun have any of byakko's bishie picts, since he only had THAT bit of screentime in the manga (OTL) byakko has the power of wind, if i remember correctly XD and duh, Tsuzuki's gay with all his Shikigamis, those which are bishies of coz =P i bet he's uke XDDDDD tt kind of face...tt kind of personality, those purple eyes...all scream...UKE! =P

told ya they were gays ^^ e blonde who has his hand over Tsuzuki's shoulder is Watari XD he's e..."mad scientist" of the group and acts mainly as comedy relief XD the guy in the brown suit is TATSUMI~~~he's the main brain behind the entire division XD not to mention he's e shadowmaster~ i love his ability~ it's jus darn cool *drools*

these are the Tengu guarding the entrance into the spirit realm~ love their wings, pity they got an ambiguous ending...dunno if they died, or simply lost their wings (T.T) coz the manga went into hiatus (T.T) (OTL) see wad i mean when i say nearly every young guy in the manga is a bishie? lmao even the minor characters are bishies XD perfect for fangirls like moiself =P

warning (hyper fangirl atk!): TOUDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA arguably the most bishie of the lot! i think he's even cooler than Tatsumi @@ which is more or less a miracle, since Tatsumi used to number top on my list =P touda's a winged snake in his Shikigami form, and he possesses the only power which can kill Tsuzuki, the black fire that consumes everything, even hotter than that of Suzaku's flames XD now tt's what i call coolious~ and he has plenty of sm-qualities too! be it being sm-ed or sm-ing someone else lmao. he was chained up for...dunno how long =P (therefore he's sm-able) XDDDD *drools* i really wished e series din go into hiatus (T.T) the fun was only just beginnning (OTL)
from one of e arcs in which Tsuzuki was sucked into a fantasy world in a book XD loved e period costumes from this arc ^^ we get to see Tatsumi in a butler suit! *drools*

hmm e bishie on the left is none other than Hisoka! he's THE ultimate UKE!!! be it with Muraki or Tsuzuki, he simply screams UKE for all to hear XD not to mention that he's very sm-able...i shant delve into that, but if u're interested, e anime is more than enuf to prove what i've said =P hisoka is...abit too girly for me XD but he's a bishie nonetheless, and his pairing with Tsuzuki is so bitter-sweet it's darn nice XD
Saturday, March 15, 2008
guuu-sensei no sakuhin! ^^

^^ guuu-sensei's work for the Christmas event lol. he did it...within TWO DAYS!!! >< *mumbles* and he claims it isnt good...yeah right. lol. the guy...looks nothing like his fighter...*runs* but more like Syaoran...from Tsubasa? ><
*note: jus realised i didnt post this...it's like...ehhhhhh 4 months ago? lol. still...it's a waste not to post it...guuu-sensei *spat blood out for this* i think...jus kept hearing that he did tons and tons of editing...mainly coz i kept changing my mind >< *runs* so yupps. here's the post in honor of guuu-sensei *may u rest in peace* whootsy daisy~ *p.s he's not really dead...it's jus a really really bad joke...*
Monday, September 24, 2007
Granado Espada Pictures 2

sorry...can't help but make fun of them a little...my wizard...pouts....my gosh. ohoho...he's gay alright...of all his costumes, this is his gayest...purple with furry collar and cuffs...and to think the musketeer looks so cool in the same costume...bahs...and as usual, my scout tilts to the side...hahaz...oh btw, my wizard is called Ren, my musketeer is called Yzak, and my scout is Kenzo. family name? give a guess...ShinomoriTsuruga. <3

OMG!!! who stuck a rod through Ren's head??!! hahaz...how sad...my poor wizard is impaled with his own rod...

hehs, see e three ppl next to me? the one with scout in white and wizard in black? yeah, that's u Winged. =) tt's e only time i could find u...i bet u went off early bahs...either that or u got tired of standing next to a weirdo like me...mauzz....

well yeah, the entire faction (those who bothered to turn up) i can't really identify ppl...there's just too many ppl...bahz...let's jus say i'm e lowest level person amongst all these pros...darn, i feel so noob...chiong arh!!!
Granado Espada Pictures 1

yupps, this is the faction photo for our faction, Academy of Tsubasa. heh, not everybody turned up, as usual, it was the few active players who we are familiar with. ehhs, my characters are the 3 without the yellow circle floating above their heads. hehs...

yupps, there's my wizard standing right in the front, with my musketeer and scout slightly behind him. hehs, everyone is facing our faction leader...only i extra...dots...i shall crop away some of e stuff, so i'll get a close-up pict posted soon...

yeah, me beloved wizard as usual...my musketeer is praying that my wizard will soon regain sanity...

oh yeah, e wizard floating above everyone is of course, our faction leader Van. hahaz...i want Levitation too...
Monday, August 27, 2007
Genbu Kaiden Pictures 1
yoshi. here comes the first torrent of Genbu Kaiden pictures!!! whee, my current favourite manga next to Skip Beat! heh. wells, the story is much much sadder than that of Fushigi Yuugi. if u thought that was sad, this is devastating. though i don't wish to spoil much, Fushigi Yuugi fans already know more or less the ending of Genbu Kaiden. yeah at the very least we know that Takiko's father killed her then commited suicide.
Tomite and Hikitsu appeared in Fushigi Yuugi as eternal guardians of Genbu no Miko's Shikihojou (i think). blahs, they are the first in the Genbu no Shichiseshi to die (sobs). if i remember correctly, Tomite died trying to protect Takiko and Hikitsu died protecting Tomite. so yeah, obviously they're gays. but it's unfair to Takiko to kill off two of her bishies at one shot. boos. she only has 4 kae fine, 5 bishies in her team (i shall not divulge spoilers >.<), so there's like half the bishies gone already....boos...
wells, the bulk of the Genbu Shichiseshi are here, let's see, there's like 4 of them here, i shan't say who is the fourth. =) since it took me like 2,3 years of following the manga to find out. =P yah, let's just say i'm happy the last Shichiseshi is a bishie, or at least, he has the qualities of a bishie. =) by the way, i've done this many times, but let me just do it once more. Takiko is so much better than Miaka. continue on the Miaka bashing! =)
this is my favourite wallpaper of all time. <3 their story is soooo sad...bahs, but i think they perfect for each other. =) so yeah. and i prefer Genbu Kaiden's storyline, although it's more tragic, it makes Takiko look stronger than Miaka, coz i dun think Miaka can handle the stuff Takiko does. =) ehhs, yeah, eye candy definitely. and my wonderful Rimudo...sighs. just stop making fun of his power. he doesn't want to be constantly turned into a girl either, although it can be very useful at times. (refer to manga)
one of the happier and sweeter moments in Genbu Kaiden. nothing beats the two of them together, and Rimudo's speech at the festival is enough to melt any girl's heart. of course, Takiko's did. she even landed up with a fever. hahas. but yeah, happy moments in Genbu Kaiden are few and precious, so i shall cherish them. =) <3

Tomite and Hikitsu appeared in Fushigi Yuugi as eternal guardians of Genbu no Miko's Shikihojou (i think). blahs, they are the first in the Genbu no Shichiseshi to die (sobs). if i remember correctly, Tomite died trying to protect Takiko and Hikitsu died protecting Tomite. so yeah, obviously they're gays. but it's unfair to Takiko to kill off two of her bishies at one shot. boos. she only has 4 kae fine, 5 bishies in her team (i shall not divulge spoilers >.<), so there's like half the bishies gone already....boos...

wells, the bulk of the Genbu Shichiseshi are here, let's see, there's like 4 of them here, i shan't say who is the fourth. =) since it took me like 2,3 years of following the manga to find out. =P yah, let's just say i'm happy the last Shichiseshi is a bishie, or at least, he has the qualities of a bishie. =) by the way, i've done this many times, but let me just do it once more. Takiko is so much better than Miaka. continue on the Miaka bashing! =)

this is my favourite wallpaper of all time. <3 their story is soooo sad...bahs, but i think they perfect for each other. =) so yeah. and i prefer Genbu Kaiden's storyline, although it's more tragic, it makes Takiko look stronger than Miaka, coz i dun think Miaka can handle the stuff Takiko does. =) ehhs, yeah, eye candy definitely. and my wonderful Rimudo...sighs. just stop making fun of his power. he doesn't want to be constantly turned into a girl either, although it can be very useful at times. (refer to manga)

one of the happier and sweeter moments in Genbu Kaiden. nothing beats the two of them together, and Rimudo's speech at the festival is enough to melt any girl's heart. of course, Takiko's did. she even landed up with a fever. hahas. but yeah, happy moments in Genbu Kaiden are few and precious, so i shall cherish them. =) <3
Ruroni Kenshin Pictures 4: Pictures by laine 2

another installation of pictures by laine. =) i love the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu lessons, coz it's like continuing the trend of how Kenshin got bullied during his training in the manga. the last picture is cute and i guess quite funny. for strangers to RK (my gosh...have u even heard of it?), Kenshin is known as Hitokiri Battousai, sub in Kitty and u get Hito Kitty! for Saitou, his sword style is Gatotsu. sub in Chu and u get Gatochu! Saitou's motto, or rather the Shinsengumi motto, is Aku Soku Zan. which loosely translates to 'evil swiftly slash' so yeah, and for Kenshin, i know he has quite a few styles which end with Ryu Sen, so i can't be for sure which one it is, but the best bet is Kuzu Ryu Sen, since both Kuzu and Neko have two syllabus. oh well, it's just for fun. =)
Ruroni Kenshin Pictures 3: pictures by laine

humour is self-explanatory. credits to laine for wonderfully showing the *true* spirit of RK fans, we are not afraid to laugh at our beloved characters. (note, Aoshi is not being made fun of, so i'm perfectly fine with this. =P) laine did a fine job of 'mutilating' the pictures but personally i think she did a great job of bringing the laughter out of me. =) i happened to chance upon this while searching for Aoshi pictures, so i thought they deserved to be at least seen in the flesh. heh. credits to laine once again. =)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Ruroni Kenshin Pictures: Aoshi 1
bahhss...how can i ever be forgiven??!!! i didn't post a single picture of my longest-lasting crush (set aside Serami from Akazukin Chacha and all the other Digimon people)!!! bahhs...kk, so now he's HERE!!! hahas, Shinomori Aoshi from Ruronin Kenshin!!! whee...there's simply not enough pictures of him...boos...and the anime doesn't do him justice. but yesh. i love his ice green eyes. whee!!! Athrun has green eyes too. =) random note.

rights, so this is from the anime, and i said that the anime doesn't do him justice. hahas, this is one of his nicer pictures in the anime, though i prefer him in his Oniwabanshuu uniform, the one with two purple ribbons at the side...i can't remember if the anime showed it, but i do know that the manga has it, and i will post in in either this post or the next. so yeah...
ahhs, this costume is his most commonly seen one. i love the trenchcoat...jus that i can't stand yellow...of all colours...his black and blue suit inside is sooo cool, then outside...sighs...sad to say this, but i think i'm happier when his trenchcoat is torn and tattered...looks cooler mahs...the outfit is perfect. save for the yellow. bahhs...
oh, and did i mention that i love his sword too. hahaz, it's a pair of Kodaichi, the short sword used mainly for defense as compared to the long Katana. most samurai carry one Katana and one Kodaichi, but since Aoshi is a ninja, i guess short swords are better for him. he needs no long sword since he's so fast, he can manage to get to the enemy up close. hah. muahs.
yeah! his back view is just as cool and shuai as his front view. ahhh...doesn't he look reliable...heh, i want a ninja like him too!!! he's mine though, hands off. hah. he's taller than most in the series, save for Hiko Seijurou, yeah. at least Aoshi's cooler than Kenshin. heh. he had long hair too, when he was younger, but nobody ever said he looked like a girl. ohoho.

rights, so this is from the anime, and i said that the anime doesn't do him justice. hahas, this is one of his nicer pictures in the anime, though i prefer him in his Oniwabanshuu uniform, the one with two purple ribbons at the side...i can't remember if the anime showed it, but i do know that the manga has it, and i will post in in either this post or the next. so yeah...

ahhs, this costume is his most commonly seen one. i love the trenchcoat...jus that i can't stand yellow...of all colours...his black and blue suit inside is sooo cool, then outside...sighs...sad to say this, but i think i'm happier when his trenchcoat is torn and tattered...looks cooler mahs...the outfit is perfect. save for the yellow. bahhs...

oh, and did i mention that i love his sword too. hahaz, it's a pair of Kodaichi, the short sword used mainly for defense as compared to the long Katana. most samurai carry one Katana and one Kodaichi, but since Aoshi is a ninja, i guess short swords are better for him. he needs no long sword since he's so fast, he can manage to get to the enemy up close. hah. muahs.

yeah! his back view is just as cool and shuai as his front view. ahhh...doesn't he look reliable...heh, i want a ninja like him too!!! he's mine though, hands off. hah. he's taller than most in the series, save for Hiko Seijurou, yeah. at least Aoshi's cooler than Kenshin. heh. he had long hair too, when he was younger, but nobody ever said he looked like a girl. ohoho.
Ruroni Kenshin Pictures 2

Segara Souzou. leader of some peasant militia which got betrayed by the Meiji Government. also inspired by an actual historical character, either that or some historical event. well, he's Sannosuke's idol and yeah he's a nice guy alright. actually, he comes across as peace-loving, which is why the peasant militia was set up in the first place, to protect the peace of the people. too bad he died such a tragic death. and too bad he has very limited screen time. u'd think that a bishie like him would get more time on the screen...ehhs, i like the uniform of the group, it's nicer compared to the Police uniform of RK...and yeah, i will go read up on my Jap history to properly explain the events. =)

Soujirou. the always-smiling guy. yeah, he's cute. and i think he's rather similar to Okita Souji of the Shinsengumi. except that Okita has a worse split personality than Soujirou. ehhs...majority of the cool and bishie characters 'spawn' (heh, too much Granado Espada) during the Shishio arc (techinally speaking, it's called the Kyoto arc, but heck). yeah...so i enjoyed the manga from 10 onwards. =) more eye candy mahs. ehhs, Soujirou's story is rather tragic too, so yeah. basically, no one has a fairytale in RK, so go figure how emo it can get at times. hah. but i shed no tears while reading RK. >.<

ENISHI!!! poor guy got left out of the anime and squeezed into the OVA. he's the brother-in-law of Kenshin and he's wayyy cooler than Kenshin. i still can't figure out if Enishi is the head of a mafia group in China, or that he's some underworld boss. either way yeah, he's a little psychotic. his love for his sis is also a little overdone. but other than that, he's great eye candy. =)

his style is rather similar to that of Saitou, except his is definitely more Sino influenced. ehhs, i like his scheming skills. to think that he thought of using a puppet to fool the Kenshin-gumi. but then again, my Aoshi outwitted his schemes. ohoho. hmms, Enishi would definitely be one of my favourite characters, only that he's a little too extreme when it comes to his sis. bahhs, stupid Tomoe, why should she get all the attention. hah.
Ruroni Kenshin Pictures 1

heh. Hiko Seijurou and Kenshin (Shinta) when he was young. he was sooo cute...so chibi...whatever happened along the way?? oh well, Hiko is one of the cooler characters in RK, well, actually most of the characters are cool. hahaz. ehhs...jus that Hiko is a little...too well-built...if i remember correctly, his height is somewhere around 1.9m plus. that's waaaayyy beyond the average Jap guy height. even Aoshi is considered too tall at roughly 1.7m plus. yupps. Hiko should get more screen time, since he's way cooler...jus wish he appeared more...and my favourite scene of Hiko is when he fought the giant Fuji in the Shishio arc. whee. cool.

Yahiko is the youngest and the noisest member of the Kenshin-gumi. well, he's generally tolerable as the kid in the group. again, his costume is yellow shirt with green top in the anime...and that's again unbearable...i can't stand his yellow shirt. bahhz. then again, i can't stand Kaoru's yellow kimono either. heh. i guess yellow is just too bright to use in anime...especially as clothing...well, Yahiko had his coolest scene in the Shishio arc too. when he fought that bat guy, he was way cool. yeah. cool is the word to describe every single character in RK. there's no better word than that. =)

Saitou Hajime. he too, like Kenshin, Aoshi, Kanryuu, Hanya, is based on a historical character. only that his name is relatively closer to his character model's name. i think i mentioned it somewhere in my other blog, under some history facts that i was quoting about Peacemaker. four out of five of these people are present in Peacemaker. Hajime Saitou as Hajime Saitou, Aoshi as Hijikata Toushizo, Kanryuu as a minor soldier also by a similar name, and Hanya as Susumu. yupps. Kenshin is missing. aww...ehhs, i like Saitou's sword style, Gatotsu. it's rather unique and it's really cool. i dunno, but i think his sword style is the only one the anime was actually able to animate properly...Kenshin's style is usually done away with a shiny, or a bright flash of light, or a super fast action, such that the actual style can't really be seen in terms of body motion. so yeah. Saitou's can more or less be seen. =) Aku Soku Zan! nice motto too.

the Shinsengumi. the main characters in Peacemaker/Kurogane. ehhs, the top one is Okita Souji, the others i can't recognise. ^.^ heh, if i'm not mistaken, the guy carrying the spears goes by the name of Segara or smt like that. the old man carrying the flag is the leader of Shinsengumi. his name i didn't bother to remember. ehhs, can u spot Saitou? he's the guy sticking out behind the flag. =)
Ruroni Kenshin Pictures: Kenshin

yesh, the Kenshin. the main character of the show. duh...well, i think this is from the manga, since the anime din have the Enishi arc, either that or it's from the OVA. but the OVA's style is different, so it's from the manga. ehhs...i like the art style, the lines are cool and yeah, the black and white effect works. =) who doesn't recognise the 'X' scar on his face...yupps. nice picture. =) nice pose Kenshin.

ehhs, well, i much prefer the Battousai than the Rouni Kenshin, for the very simple reason that he's cool. technically speaking, they're both the same person, but i prefer the sharper version of the 'baka deshi'. though this wallpaper's kinda scary...esp during the 7th month huh...ehhhs, the pict is from Kenshin's younger days, coz the hair is tied up higher...and well, he's the Battousai in his younger days mah...so yeah. again, nice black effect. =)

this is definitely from the manga, coz it's on one of the cover pages. yupps, the manga's style is slightly nicer than the anime's style...somehow, the people in the manga look more proportional than in the anime. also, the manga's storyline is nicer. =) more Aoshi mah...ehhs, the manga art style is more realistic and serious, coz the colour in the anime makes the show look rather cheerful. not to say that it's a sad show, but well, samurai story ought to be a little more serious. or so i think. yeah, nice pose Kenshin. *cough* (i know i'm being biased, coz i'm talking more about the show than about Kenshin. =P)

ORO! Seshya wa baka degozaimasu. yupps. that's the way Kenshin talks. when he's in his ORO mode that is. he sure doesn't do that in a battle. thank goodness his bakaness stops where the battles start. =) i dunno, his speech is kinda cute...he calls himself 'seshya', reminds me of how Sesshoumaru calls himself 'kono Sesshoumaru'...both are like refering to oneself as 3rd person...and he ends with 'degozaimasu' like how Chichiri ends with 'na no da' and that Prince of Tennis idiot with 'da ne'...hahaz, the chibis are cute. =)